Ban the corporate lobbying of politicians.

Ban the corporate lobbying of politicians.

Just testing this works. Lets see how it works?


Just testing this works. Lets see how it works?

I agree that Christopher Gilmour has a valid point. That with nationalisation, state owned agency would have a direct link to government and private companies would have none. This is a difficult issue and has many problems which ever way you cut it. I would love to get on a brainstorming issue on this and not just a to and thro dicussion

As a starter we can educate and highlight the worst offenders and possibly harness public opinion and apply pressure to change the current practices

Had to disagree with Inca. Sorry Inca. But words like "educate" and "apply pressure" are tools of the current system: things that get swept under the rug, while corporations go on with raping society and our world. Corporate lobbying, and related practices like corporations bribing politicians, corporate CEOs joining governments, etc. need to be banned outright.

Had to disagree with Inca. Sorry Inca. But words like "educate" and "apply pressure" are tools of the current system: things that get swept under the rug, while corporations go on with raping society and our world. Corporate lobbying, and related practices like corporations bribing politicians, corporate CEOs joining governments, etc. need to be banned outright.

The problems faced in Islamophobia/war on terror led loss of privacy in a large part been driven by a noo-conservative and Israel lobby agendas in the US and in Europe. There has been some overlap with arms lobbying and old industry lobbying, however this can not be explained by corporate lobbying alone. Therefore ban ALL lobby groups from influencing politicians, although they have the freedom to appeal direct to the public which can translate this to politics via their vote.

If you do a bit of research, you'll find plenty of stories of corporate employees, senior executives and so on, leaving companies to work in government departments that regulate those companies or manage contracts for them. These employees work in the government / regulatory body for a while, committing the government to deals that favor the company. Then, maybe 5 years later, they go back to a job in their company, with better title, pay, and benefits, or maybe retire with a nice package.

Else where within the occupy movement there's a lot of support for nationalising industries such as banking, water and energy. This would create a two tier system where one sector could have a great deal of contact with politicians and the other sector would be banned from having contact with them. That seems very uncompetitive, and would create inefficient and expensive state monopolies. Compare Royal Mail (state-owned) and UK Mail (plc), they should have equal opportunity to lobby politios

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